Interact with terminal Cheatsheet¶
You will interact with operation system (OS) by using Python.
Python will be our main programming language as an AI researcher/developer. Advantages of using Python are code readability and simplicity. It is a beginner friendly language. You can learn more about how to use python to interact with OS in terminal window here.
It is highly recommended that you use python together with Anaconda
Check current path¶
List all files and directories in current working directory¶
To list out all the files located at specific directory such as /user/myname/myproject
, use
ls /user/myname/myproject
Change directory¶
Change to home directory¶
cd ~
Move to one level up of directory¶
cd ..
Move to previous directory¶
cd -
Create a new directory in the present working directory¶
mkdir [directoryname]
Celete a directory¶